COEPS (Sector-specific Career Guidance and Development Consulting) is our flagship program designed specifically for the individual employment and domestic work sector. Recognizing the unique expertise required in this field, our professional branch established COEPS to provide tailored career support that enhances success and professional fulfillment.
Our sector faces a critical challenge: we project a need for 800,000 jobs by 2030, driven by an aging workforce and significant job creation, particularly in roles supporting those with reduced autonomy. This challenge is particularly complex because, as we often note, "there are no HR managers in individual employers' kitchens."
While finding solutions to attract future employees and retain current ones has always been an issue in the sector, it now requires us to take a significant step forward, particularly in skills management, and to be actively involved in employment and career path management (GEPP).
Furthermore, we need to expand our initiatives to reach new groups to address employment challenges: people who have been long-term unemployed, young people through work-study programs, working professionals looking to switch careers, and individuals from foreign countries.
As a key player in establishing occupational and skills frameworks, in forecasting market needs, and in supporting training and certification pathways, we have built over the years an in-depth understanding of professional trajectories and sector needs. Now, we leverage this expertise to offer support services that match employment market demands, thus facilitating the meeting of supply and demand, with skills as the central focus.
COEPS is a free service open to all, based on extensive listening and exchange, which creates momentum and guides individuals along their personal development journey. The support is long-term and aims to maintain the participant's motivation, help them professionalize until they can have their skills recognized through certifications, and encourage them to build a career in the sector.
Specifically, this involves considering the person's skills and experiences to support their professional journey. For this, we have developed specific tools:
The advisor's objectification of test responses helps identify achievements and needs in terms of professional skills.
Depending on the candidate's profile, it can go beyond technical skills and cover computer literacy and language proficiency.
The person can benefit from job search preparation, professional practice exchange workshops, etc.
Drawing on their industry and certification expertise, our advisors provide customized guidance during individual consultations:
The diversity of pathways in our sector is an asset, but it's also complex. It's impossible to reduce employees to just their "occupational" skills representation. We speak of multi-skills strongly influenced by behavioral and transversal competencies.
The purpose of COEPS is thus to create a real connection between occupations, skills, and a career path, through case-by-case support. It helps secure career paths and retain both current and future employees.
To successfully attract new audiences to domestic work professions, encourage them to develop professionally and thrive there, we need to support them step by step. Every individual enters this field with their own unique combination of qualifications, life experiences, caregiving background, and professional history.
The collaborative approach between our advisors and job seekers establishes an effective framework for matching talent with the right professional opportunities. Participants can access targeted skill modules designed to enhance their employability and help them launch their careers.
In our sector, no employee is like another, no individual employer has the same needs as their neighbor. Additionally, employees express their career development goals. The challenges of intra-sector mobility and progression within the career path are significant.
Some employees want to specialize in an area or build a career plan; others plan to diversify their role, or even change professions. For example, 24% of family assistants and 19% of childminders plan to move toward another sector profession within five years.
Guidance from COEPS is tailored to meet the needs of each individual. Here are the key stages:
We provide employees with tools to develop and highlight their skills: