16/07/2024 version

The website accessible at the following address: (the "Site") is offered by IPERIA, a brand of "Certification & Compétences”, registered non-profit organization, with SIRET number 400 417 879 00089, whose registered office is located at: 60 avenue Quakenbrück, BP 30136, 61004 Alençon, France. It is represented by its President, Mrs. Anita POUTARD, ("Certification & Compétences"), who is a member of the "Domicile & Compétences" group.

The editor-in-chief of Le Site is Mrs. Anita POUTARD, President of Certification & Compétences.

To contact Certification & Compétences, you can write to: Certification & Compétences, 60 avenue Quakenbrück, BP 30136, 61004 Alençon, France. You can also use the site's dedicated contact form or call: 800 820 920.

Le Site is technically hosted by AZNETWORK, 40 Rue André Ampère, 61000 Alençon, France.

To find out more about how Certification & Compétences uses your personal data, please consult our privacy policy.